Saturday, June 14, 2008

Getting ready to go

I have just gotten back from sailing to Catalina with my family and it was a wonderful trip! I now have a day to pack for Africa then I am off to Minnesota for the week visiting A LOT of family! My family and I are driving! Yes, I said Minnesota! We will be making a stop at the college worldseries...then upto to Fulda, Minnesota...a town with the population of about the number of students at Cactus High School :) I will be able to see all my family before I leave for Uganda...on Saturday...a week from today!


Patty Ranweiler said...

Hi Casey!
I just read your blog and am excited for you and all you are going to give and learn. I love Mother Theresa's quote
"It's not in doing great things, but rather small things with great love" ...
just like the flower you rec'd - right?
Seems the poor are rich in many ways.
Know that Ken and I are with you in heart and prayer.
Patty,Ken Joe, John and Danny

Lindsay Walls said...

Hi Casey!

Wow...looks like you're having an awesome time/experience. That's what it's all about! Things are good here. Volleyball is starting the PC leage tonight and basketball went all the way to the semi finals in our tourney at Tolleson. I miss you and can't wait to hear more about what you're doing. Keep blogging!! :)
