At the top we are riding in the back of a truck. That is our usual transportation when we travel in a group. If I am by myself I usually take a boda to go to town. A boda is like a motorcycle but a little bit smaller, and I hang on for dear life when I jump on one of those! The roads here are awful!
The next picture is of me dancing with the kids, we had another dance party last night for our director, Amy's birthday. We have had 6 dance party's in the last 7 nights!
We went to a house in Kampala that is called the Bavubuka house and it is an outreach program for kids around Kampala to come and work on different fine art projects, such as signing, rapping, dancing, art, creating and making clothes, etc. It is such a great thing they are doing there! The goal of the house is to get kids off the streets and help them find a purpose in life and teach them how to give back to thier community.
The last picture is of our group and the members of the Bavubuka house. All these people are passionate about helping the children of Uganda find purpose for thier lives! Love it!
Bavubuka "Love the work you do or please don't do it!"
WOW! i love it.
your sharing is great! powerful moments...from the contentment at St. Jude despite seemingly desparate circumstances, to dance parties nightly, to sharing your math wisdom with Denis:)
casey you're amazing! i'm remembering all the reasons we're so close! i was almost emotional as i read your stuff cuz i just wish with all my heart i was there with you. i'm so glad you know what it really feels like now!! be careful but have a blast. you'll wish for months and years after you get home that you're back there at the place and time again. drink in every minute of it. your face is shining Jesus all over it! haha, you're so sweet and smart and i am just so excited that you get to use your knowledge and talents to bless those people. you have no idea how badly i wish i was with you right now.... can't wait to hear from you!! xoxox
Casey: Greetings from Jackson, MN
You look absolutuly radiant, just like a new mother with a new born child in your pictures. I believe that you are in your element. It is an emotional experience for us to read your blog. Keep up the good work, we are very proud of you and stay safe. "As you go on your way may Christ go with you, may he go before you to show you the way, may he go behind you to encourage you beside you to befrien you above you to watch over, within you to give you peace"
Love Brigitte
Hi Casey!
I just found out about your Blog and loved reading all about what you've been doing. You are AMAZING! Thank you for allowing us to share in your experiences. I can't wait to read your next one. Blessings are being poured out all over! Take care and God bless you.
Love, Luann
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